Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hello All

I sit here at work and for tonight we are having a very nice one. Really deserved too!

Haven't heard anything on the maternity front. Trying not to become negative, believing God will work all out the way it should. But getting really tired of ER.

Been working on some knits for the shop for displays, enjoying doing some baby stuff. Need to get back to my own knitting.

Other than that... I have nothing to say. Life continues. Children grow.

Where did that last come from? My daughter went to homecoming this past weekend. Got a little teary-eyed. She was just so grown up, won't be long before shes leaving me to be on her own and than married.

Keep knitting my friends. Chat soon.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Your daughter looks very beautiful! I'm already getting teary-eyed thinking of my two year old some day going out on dates . . .


(Excuse me while I go lock her in the basement till she's thirty.)